
Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego I Ustawicznego MEDYK w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
Duration 2 years
Studies extramural
Received the degree of Podolog

Study direction description

Due to the spread of civilization diseases such as diabetes, chronic venous disease, atherosclerosis, deformities of body posture and feet, the demand for podology specialists is increasing. A graduate of this field of study will be able to take care of a healthy foot, recognize existing diseases, apply appropriate nursing and treatment treatments, or refer the patient to a doctor, and properly carry out education and health promotion.

Exam Professional exam
Document obtained A diploma confirming professional qualifications and a supplement in English


Gorzów Wielkopolski

What will you learn?

Diagnose and recognize the basic pathological changes on the feet.
Provide patient with tips on foot and leg care.
Use specialized cosmetic preparations and basic pharmaceuticals.
Perform corrective and care treatments that relieve particularly endangered areas.

Job prospects

Biological regeneration centers and offices
Podiatry and beauty salons
Pedicure parlors
Sanatoriums, nursing homes and hospices

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  • Customer service
  • Goleniów, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 10b

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