/ study directions / Finance and Accounting / Banking and financial innovation

Banking and financial innovation

Finance and Accounting
Duration 3 years / 2 years
Studies extramural
Received the degree of Bachelor / Master

Study direction description

What is financial intermediation enterprise marketing? What rules govern the financial intermediation market? How are financial instruments used? These and many more questions can be answered by choosing banking and financial innovation. Apply if you are interested in economics, finance and accounting.

It is an educational offer that will enable you to gain extensive knowledge and skills related to banking law, performing financial analyzes and forecasts, as well as drawing accurate conclusions, and you will learn how the financial market works in the era of dynamic development of online banking.

Document obtained Diploma



What will you learn?

You will learn about banking systems in Poland and around the world.
You will gain knowledge about new financial products and learn to introduce them to the market.
You will learn about the global financial system.
You will learn the specifics of the functioning of various financial institutions.

Job prospects

A specialist in a bank or branch of a credit institution
Employee of a cooperative savings and credit union
An employee in a loan institution.

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  • Goleniów, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 10b

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