Carer in the Nursing Home

Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego I Ustawicznego MEDYK w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
Duration 2 years
Studies extramural
Received the degree of Carer in the Nursing Home

Study direction description

A carer in a nursing home has direct contact with sick, disabled and dependent people who require constant support, care and care. The main mission of this profession is to recognize the needs and problems of the residents of nursing homes, assess their physical and mental health and functioning in the society, as well as develop a plan to help those under their care. The guardian offers support not only in everyday activities, but also in the emotional dimension, motivates to make intellectual and physical effort, uses various therapeutic and rehabilitation techniques, organizes free time and integration with the environment and family.

Exam Professional exam
Document obtained A diploma confirming professional qualifications and a supplement in English


Gorzów Wielkopolski

What will you learn?

Stimulating the development and activation of people staying in a nursing home and using various methods and tools of rehabilitation or therapy for this purpose.
Accompanying and helping the ward from the social welfare home in satisfying the needs and carrying out various activities in the field of self-service and personal hygiene.
Organization and use of free time by the charge in a constructive way, enabling self-realization, development of interests and integration with the family and other people staying in the nursing home or with the local community.
Active involvement and strengthening of professional activities resulting from the implementation of an individual work plan and helping a person staying in a nursing home or other care institution.

Job prospects

24/7 social welfare homes
Care and treatment facilities
Daily stay social assistance organizational units

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