Hourly rate of PLN 21 net.
Monthly salary from PLN 4620 to 5040 net.
Work in the warehouse of a well-known online shop with clothes and accessories near Wrocław (village Magnice).
Work in 2 shifts, from 06:00 to 16:15, from 16:30 to 02:45.
Hourly rate of PLN 21 net. Monthly salary from PLN 4620 to 5040 net.
Accommodation is free of charge or there is a possibility of a surcharge of PLN 600 per month for those renting accommodation on their own. Transport to the workplace paid at PLN 80 per month.
A city with district rights in south-western Poland, the seat of authorities of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship and Wrocław County. It is located in Central Europe, in the Silesian Lowlands, on the Oder River.
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